Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Alarm Clock 2

Okay, so, looks like the staying-awake-for-30-hours-at-a-time for the past couple of weeks has finally caught up with me. I fell asleep last night around 11. That's early for me. I still feel tired. I need more sleep. You would think that 7 hours is enough, but it's not.

And, that exercise thing that I was all gung-ho about a few days ago? Yeah. I'm going to need all of you to forget that you read that. m'kay? thanks. It is just too damn hot here to be doing any sort of activity more strenuous than breathing. My plan really was to start walking in the morning after the kids left for school. I figured I could bring the Baby Dog walking with me and we'd both get some much needed exercise. But, when I call her to the front door to put her collar and leash on, she just looks at me like "are you in-fucking-sane woman? Have you BEEN outside lately? It's so hot out there that I don't even go out there to pee anymore. I've been going in your Ficus tree pot!" Then she turns around, prances back to her special pillow right under the air vent, and plops down. Bitch.
Well, if the dog's not going, neither am I. I'll wait until September. Hey, look, a new carton of Haagen-Dazs.

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