Friday, August 19, 2005

New Address

Well, I think this is going to be my last post on this blog. I have moved everything over to a new host and have changed to Wordpress for blogging.
If you happen to have a link to my blog on your page, please change it to my new address which is:

I am still moving everything around over there. I need to relink all my pictures and I am still messing with the template. I really wanted to use this template, but I'm still figuring out how to make it work on Wordpress.

So, come on over and have a look around.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

International Christina Day

It's Thursaday, which has been deemed Picture Day. And it is also International Christina Day, also known as The 6th Anniversary of my 29th Birthday =0) So, today's picture is just a reminder of the proper way to enjoy this holiday...

I hope everyone got the day off today! Make A Wish

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Why I Never Get Anything Done...

I never get anything accomplished because I'm always screwing around with PhotoShop....

I started off making some simple little buttons for my new blog template...then the text tool started wigging out on me (see previous post). I couldn't get the stooooopid font to be the size I wanted, and it wouldn't resize! So, I started playing with my new brushes and made this:

so much for my simple little buttons....
I'm so ADD!

Photoshop Sucks

Photoshop is offically sucking the life out of me!!

Why won't you work!? Stoopid text tool thingy!! GAH!
OMG! I want to PUNCH it! It's ruining my life!!

....maybe I should take a break.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Elvis Lives

I really couldn't let the day pass without making a "Goodbye Elvis" post. It was 28 years ago today that we had to say goodbye to the King. I was only 7 at the time, but I knew who Elvis was. I already owned a few of his records. I still have those records, packed up somewhere.
I'd like to beleive that Elvis is still alive. Out there somewhere.

"Til we meet you again, may God bless you. Adios."
~ Said in 1977 at the end of a concert during his last tour.

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My Sidekicks

If you're not related to me, or give a crap about seeing my kids then you are free to leave. The rest of you have to stay!

Since I am a sorry excuse for a neice, grand-daughter, and cousin because I never write to anyone, or send any photos, or bother to keep in touch, here ya go. Its my obligatory kids first-day-of-skool post. A week late, of course. But, you should be overjoyed that I remembered to post it at all.

Oh, I guess since none of my family have laid eyes on these kids since about 8 years ago I should tell you who is who. Logan is 12, he's the one on the left, in the Tater Tots shirt. He's the dork *big grin* So, that would make the other one Garrett. He is 16 now. And, yes, the 12 year old is taller than the 16 year old. He's a mutant. I'm thinking about loaning him to the circus so THEY can feed him for a while!


Alarm Clock 2

Okay, so, looks like the staying-awake-for-30-hours-at-a-time for the past couple of weeks has finally caught up with me. I fell asleep last night around 11. That's early for me. I still feel tired. I need more sleep. You would think that 7 hours is enough, but it's not.

And, that exercise thing that I was all gung-ho about a few days ago? Yeah. I'm going to need all of you to forget that you read that. m'kay? thanks. It is just too damn hot here to be doing any sort of activity more strenuous than breathing. My plan really was to start walking in the morning after the kids left for school. I figured I could bring the Baby Dog walking with me and we'd both get some much needed exercise. But, when I call her to the front door to put her collar and leash on, she just looks at me like "are you in-fucking-sane woman? Have you BEEN outside lately? It's so hot out there that I don't even go out there to pee anymore. I've been going in your Ficus tree pot!" Then she turns around, prances back to her special pillow right under the air vent, and plops down. Bitch.
Well, if the dog's not going, neither am I. I'll wait until September. Hey, look, a new carton of Haagen-Dazs.

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Monday, August 15, 2005

Arise Chicken, Arise

Do you remember when I told you about these?
Well, now they are These!
I still can't tell what the hell they are. I know they're chickens. Shut up!
But, I have no idea what kind of chickens they are. They sure are ugly though. They just about have all of their feathers in. My son seems to think that the one with the bigger tail feathers is a male. I haven't been around chickens that much to know...or care for that matter. But, trying to guess what these ugly things are exactly seems to be my kids' new hobby. I think they might have money riding on it. Sad. I know. So, if you think you know what kind of crazy chickies these are, give me a shout. I want to know what to place my bet on. Momma needs a new pair of shoes!

PS 10,000 imaginary points to whoever can guess what show the title of this post came from.

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Gotta Be Movin' On

Well chums. I think I'm going to be moving my bloggy blog on over to WordPress in the next few days weeks. Blogger has been nice to me. But, I have a need to tweak, prod, poke, delete, and generally wreak havoc upon my creations. I'm never happy with the look of things. And,I can never just leave. shit. alone. Blogger just isn't cutting it any more. I think that WordPress will give me more options for making my blogging better. Why, I could spend MONTHS just screwing around with the Plugins alone!
So, I've found a really cheap hosting site....And for me "cheap" means FREE. Over at They have some great hosting packages. If you decide to sign up use my linky. And, Hey, the already have WordPress installed for you. *YAY* And I gotta say Thanks to A Ben Week for showing me the light =0)
I would really like to bring this awesome layout with me over to WordPress, but I'm going to have to really mess with it to make it fit. So, if you don't see a new post here for a few days, it's not because the husband had me committed...I'm just busy trying to code my new site.
this might take a while.....

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

There Are None More Black

Looks like Glenn is bringing his Blackest of the Black tour out for Show & Tell again this year *YAY* The tour starts September 30th in San Diego. It looks like the closest they are going to get to me is in San Antonio in October. I feel a road trip coming on!! So, you guys should go check the show out if you get a's gonna be SWEET!!

I should check with Robb over at Robbs Metal Works and see if his crew will be covering the show. I won tickets from them for the Danzig show back in March. They are a crazy bunch over there. If you are in the San Antonio area, you should check out their show. It's HEAVY!

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Friday, August 12, 2005

You say Tomato.....

In a recent conversation with my 12 year old son, he was telling me about his friend's grandmother who just had her other leg amputated. Apparently, she lost the first leg in an unfortunate tractor accident

ME: OMG! What happened?
SON: She is a missionary, and she was down in the Amazon somewhere, and she got gangrene in her leg.
ME: Huh? A 78 year old grandma out in the rainforest, carrying a weapon, and killing people?
SON: No! That would be a MERCENARY!
But, that sure was a neat picture in my head....grandma in army boots, decked out in camo, holding an assault weapon, hand grenades strapped to her chest...I like my version better.

Friday Favorites

Here you go. This weeks edition of Friday Favorites. This Friday the subject is QUOTES.

Favorite Movie Quotes

  1. "They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are." - Seth Gecko in From Dusk Till Dawn
  2. "Do I look like a blond with big tits and an ass that tastes like French Vanilla ice cream?" - Clarence Worley in True Romance
  3. "Nice Marmot" - The Dude in The Big Lebowski
  4. "Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!" - Ulysses Everett McGill in O' Brother Where Art Thou?
  5. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." Nada in They Live!

Favorite Tickisms...or stuff uttered by The Tick

  1. Don't make us bite you in hard-to-reach places!
  2. I don't know the meaning of the word "surrender". I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb... just not in this context.
  3. Mucal invader, is there no end to your oozing?
  4. Yeah, well, don't count your weasels before they pop, dink!
  5. Brace yourself while Corporate America tries to sell us its wretched things.

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