Thursday, August 11, 2005

First Official Picture Day

I now officially declare each and every Thursday from here to the end of time (or until I decide to stop) Picture Day. I even made a little graphic for it and everything! It WAS going to be POST A PICTURE OF YOUR DESK DAY. And then it was going to be POST A PICTURE OF SOMETHING ON YOUR DESK DAY, but I figured that was too limiting. Although, not as limiting as TAKE A PICTURE OF THE LOCH NESS MONSTER DAY. Can you tell I haven't been sleeping much lately?! These will be pictures that tell you a little something about me...kind of a Pictorial MeMe I guess. It may be more information than you need...or even care about but, there's a "back" button up there on your browser that you can use.

Anyways, here is my first submission:

Click it for the larger version. This is my huge ass bookshelf that is right above my computer desk. My hubby built if for me when he built my bad ass computer desk...I'll take a picture of the desk if I ever get it cleaned off. So yeah. This bookshelf is so huge that the whole thing wouldn't fit in the frame. So, hmmm...what does this picture say about me? Lets see. Maybe that the word organization doesn't enter my vocabulary much. But, Pack Rat certainly does! Look at all my precious possessions! All crammed together in no particular order! Just the way I like it! These arn't even whole collections of anything. I have tons of DVDs, CDs, Lunchboxes, books, etc. all over the house. These are just some of my favorite things I like to keep out so I can keep an eye on them. I particularly LOVE my Tick Steel Box! One day I'll have a Tick action figure that fits in it! Then I'll take a picture of it. And post it here. On a Thursday. For Picture Day!

So, feel free to steal my little graphic if you want to make Thursdays Picture Day on your blog too. Send me an email or comment to let me know so I can link to you.

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