Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My Sidekicks

If you're not related to me, or give a crap about seeing my kids then you are free to leave. The rest of you have to stay!

Since I am a sorry excuse for a neice, grand-daughter, and cousin because I never write to anyone, or send any photos, or bother to keep in touch, here ya go. Its my obligatory kids first-day-of-skool post. A week late, of course. But, you should be overjoyed that I remembered to post it at all.

Oh, I guess since none of my family have laid eyes on these kids since about 8 years ago I should tell you who is who. Logan is 12, he's the one on the left, in the Tater Tots shirt. He's the dork *big grin* So, that would make the other one Garrett. He is 16 now. And, yes, the 12 year old is taller than the 16 year old. He's a mutant. I'm thinking about loaning him to the circus so THEY can feed him for a while!