Monday, August 15, 2005

Gotta Be Movin' On

Well chums. I think I'm going to be moving my bloggy blog on over to WordPress in the next few days weeks. Blogger has been nice to me. But, I have a need to tweak, prod, poke, delete, and generally wreak havoc upon my creations. I'm never happy with the look of things. And,I can never just leave. shit. alone. Blogger just isn't cutting it any more. I think that WordPress will give me more options for making my blogging better. Why, I could spend MONTHS just screwing around with the Plugins alone!
So, I've found a really cheap hosting site....And for me "cheap" means FREE. Over at They have some great hosting packages. If you decide to sign up use my linky. And, Hey, the already have WordPress installed for you. *YAY* And I gotta say Thanks to A Ben Week for showing me the light =0)
I would really like to bring this awesome layout with me over to WordPress, but I'm going to have to really mess with it to make it fit. So, if you don't see a new post here for a few days, it's not because the husband had me committed...I'm just busy trying to code my new site.
this might take a while.....

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