Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I'm so IRRITATED!! OMG!!! Look at the EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!! And you will KNOW how pissed off I am!!!!!!!!!

First off, I am so stopped up stuffy headed that I can't even think straight. It's my allergies! There is something infesting the air that my head doesn't like...and it's letting me know by making ick leak out of all the holes in my head. ARG!! And, just so you know, here's a little something about the complex personality that is ME. When I'm sick and miserable, EVERYONE ELSE MUST BE SICK AND MISERABLE TOO!! I'll be damned if I'm going to put up with someone being all happy, perky, joy-joy while I feel like crap! If I'm not happy, I'm bringing everyone else down with me. That's just the way it is.

Anyway, where the hell was I? Oh I'm out of my allergy meds. and I'm not going to go sit in the doctor's people infected waiting room where I'll probably catch something worse than allergies, so he can charge me $60 to tell me that I just need to keep taking my allergy meds! I just figure I'll swing by Wally-World, (Wal-Mart, where Satan shops) pick up a triple cocktail of Sudafed, Benadryl, and Sinex and I'll be all set. I grab a few bucks, run in, find the new drug aisle, which is NOWHERE near where it was a month ago (another reason I hate that damn store!) So, grab some Sinex ( I should own stock in this shit!!). Looking for the Sudafed. In the spot where the Sudafed should be there's these little cards that look like the Sudafed box. WTF?! oh, yeah, I remember now, I now have to get it from the pharmacy....because of all the supid meth monkeys buying up all the allergy meds to make their homegrown methahol.


So, I bring my little card up to the pharmacy counter, hand it to the pharmacy girl. Pharmacy girl gives me a perky little smile that makes me want to jump over the counter and stab her in the eye! She asks to see my driver's license.

Erm...I'm just getting the Sudafed....where's my knife?

Perky pharmacy girl informs me that she needs a form of ID and my phone number to put in the system in order for me to purchase the evil allergy medication.

ARG!!! So, I hand over my ID, and give her my number...555-METH. Perky phamacy girl doesn't think that's funny. I think it's the funniest damn thing I've said all day. Perky phamacy girl looses some of her perkiness. I consider this a small victory!

I decide that I should probably get a few more boxes of this stuff since the Government is going to make it so damn difficult to obtain. This is when the Irritated yay me! pharmacy girl informs me that I can't buy more than 2 boxes at a time. ARGH!! So, how many bullets can I buy at a time?! How many fucking HAND GRENADES can I buy at one time?!! Wait, all I need is ONE!!

Screw this...I go get a case of Nyquil and get the hell out of there!


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