Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I Found Another Time Waster

Damn, is it Wednesday already?! So, if anyone is wondering...NO I didnt' get my room cleaned. I didn't even start. Why? Because of THIS ! I spent all day making my doggies Zoe and Baby Dog their own doggie pages. Go give them a bone!
Gawd, I'm such a dork *sigh* But, when deciding if I should A. clean my room or B. waste time making cute little web pages for my doggie family members which do you think I'm going to pick? I Need Help =0P
But, yesterday wasn't totally wasted. I did contribute to society...or atleast my neighbor. I helped my friend Judy dig out a spot for the pool that she bought for her kidlings. Okay, actually Garrett did most of the work. I must say, he did a great job too.
My mother-in-law brought us a baby Blue Jay that she found in her yard. I had most of his feathers, but wasn't quite ready to fly yet. The boys dug up some worms for him and got him to eat a couple of times. But, when Logan checked on him this morning, he was dead *sniffle* Poor wittle birdie. So, I had to have Logan go bury him.
Hmmmm....maybe I can start cleaning my room today....

Monday, June 27, 2005

Oh,'s Monday Again....

So, I just realized that I didn't post anything all weekend. I suppose I could let you believe that I was just SOOOO busy all weekend that I just didn't have time to get a few words posted. But, that's not true. I didn't do shit! Me and the boys just hung around that house and annoyed each other. Chad was home Saturday, so we did get a few things done around the house. But, I in no way accomplished all the stuff that I need to! I REALLY need to get into our bedroom and get it cleaned up. It has become the dumping ground for all the crap that gets thrown out of the other rooms when I clean them. I want to get our bedroom painted by the end of this summer, but there is no way I can do that with all the stuff that's in there *sigh* I guess today would be a good day to get started on that huh?
Okay, here I go....Wish me luck.
I'll check in later and let you know how it turns out...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Don't make me get my rake!

My neighbor who lives across the street is driving me in-fucking-sane! The dude is like 80 years old and has lived in that house since time began. He's always up at the asscrack of dawn doing something medieval to his lawn. This morning he had the leafblower cranked up blowing grass particles off of his newly painted driveway. Yes, he painted his driveway. The man doesn't have a single tree on his property, but he owns a leafblower! I want to rake up all those huge ass Sycamore leaves that we have in our backyard, throw them in the wheelbarrow, roll them across the street, and dump them out in asshead's freshly cut yard. He'd probably have a massive coronary while trying to blow it all off the lawn! And, he is constantly mowing his grass. I swear, he mows it every other day! All it does is make my grass look longer. Well, my grass IS long right now because our lawn mower is in the shop. So, I'm sure that he breaks out into cold sweats just looking across the street at our unkept eyesore. That just encourages me to let the weeds grow and grow until they're taller than the house and we need a GPS device just to find the front door!

The one about the beach...again...

I got to go to the beach today....erm yesterday now that it is after midnight. The beach was great. A storm blew through around 10 am and dumped a bunch of rain on us. But then the sun came out and it was beautiful. We also saw some dolphins pretty close to the shore. The boys fished most of the day, but all they managed to catch were catfish. They didn't keep any of them because they don't like to clean them.
It was a long day today. I need to get some sleep so I can get up and do nothing tomorrow =0P
Oh yeah...yesterday was Glenn Danzig's birthday.

Happy Birthday Glenn

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Brand New Coolness

It's 1 am and I can't go to sleep. So, my web pages must suffer my wrath! I changed my blog template again...we'll see if I decide to keep it. I like the fishy...I made him red =0)
I gotta get some to take some Nyquil© and a bubble bath....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The One with the Boat

Damn, it's like 100 degrees outside today! And no breeze at all. You would think that since I've grown up here I would be used to the 100 degree/100% humidity down here. But, it still sucks! We need a pool...I should have the boys start digging!
I didn't do much today, except try to stay cool. Our friend Adam stopped by with his boat this afternoon. He put so much work into this boat. He has painted it battleship gray with a shark mouth and eye on each the old war planes used to have painted on them. Adam thinks its cool. All the boys think it's cool. I think its retarded. I guess I'm out-voted. So, me, the husband and Adam (and his dog) took a nice ride out on the bayou in the SharkBoat. It felt great to have the wind on my face and cool off =0) The boys missed out. They were out fishing on the bayou down the road. I don't think they caught anything, they didn't stink like sweaty fish socks when they got home *bleck*
Now I'm going to get everything ready to go to the beach tomorrow. We'll be leaving early, so I know I'm not going to feel like rounding all this crap up in the morning. Oh, I gotta get some more sunblock....don't want to burn!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The One Where the Girl Goes to the Beach

I finally got a chance to go to the beach yesterday. I went with my friend Becky. The boys rode out to the beach with their dad. Garrett brought his friend (who happens to be a girl, but he insists that they are just friends) Nakita. Becky and I got there around 11:30. It was a beautiful day. The beach still has a lot of seaweed that has washed up over the past month. I'm wishing for a small tropical storm to come through in the next few weeks to wash all the icky seaweed away! Other than the seaweed the beach was great. I had a really nice time just relaxing on the sand and visiting with my friend. We haven't really talked in a while, so it was nice to catch up with her. Now I feel totally recharged for the week ahead!
Chad was a sweetie and brought Becky and I out on the airboat. The park usually doesn't do airboat tours on Mondays and Tuesdays...but I get special treatment since my hubby does the tours =0) I'm thinking about going back Thursday. So, I need to get all my stuff done today and tomorrow so I can go play Thursday.

One of the other wren babies. Posted by Hello

The baby wrens that were in a nest in our garage are now learning to fly! This one was on the floor so my son picked him up and moved him up to a shelf. They are still flying around the garage chirping away! Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

This is the what I found on Logan's bedroom door this morning. I was tempted to KNOCK REAL LOUD...but I didn't...I'd rather let him sleep! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The One Where The Boy Gets New Hardware

So, Garrett, my 16 year old, has been wanting to get his tongue pierced since he was about 14. I don't really have a problem with it. Both his dad and I have our tongues pierced, although we were MUCH older when we got ours done. And, it's just another hole that will easily heal. I told him then that he could get it done when he turned 16...mainly because I thought he would just forget about it or chicken out when the time finally came. But, of course, neither of those things happened! His birthday was May 25th, and 2 weeks BEFORE that day he was bugging us to get his tongue pierced. His dad and I told him he had to wait until he was out of school for summer before he could get it done because
1. I was still hoping he would change his mind.
2. His tongue would be so swollen afterwards he wouldn't be able to talk
3. I didn't want him to have ANY excuse to miss any school or tests!
4. His coaches would have made him take it out immediately!

School was out June 3 here. Guess what Garrett has now! I'm thinking that he won't be keeping it for very long...

Our Pomeranian, Baby Dog, doing what she does best...Nothing! Posted by Hello