Friday, June 24, 2005

Don't make me get my rake!

My neighbor who lives across the street is driving me in-fucking-sane! The dude is like 80 years old and has lived in that house since time began. He's always up at the asscrack of dawn doing something medieval to his lawn. This morning he had the leafblower cranked up blowing grass particles off of his newly painted driveway. Yes, he painted his driveway. The man doesn't have a single tree on his property, but he owns a leafblower! I want to rake up all those huge ass Sycamore leaves that we have in our backyard, throw them in the wheelbarrow, roll them across the street, and dump them out in asshead's freshly cut yard. He'd probably have a massive coronary while trying to blow it all off the lawn! And, he is constantly mowing his grass. I swear, he mows it every other day! All it does is make my grass look longer. Well, my grass IS long right now because our lawn mower is in the shop. So, I'm sure that he breaks out into cold sweats just looking across the street at our unkept eyesore. That just encourages me to let the weeds grow and grow until they're taller than the house and we need a GPS device just to find the front door!


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