Sunday, July 31, 2005

New Template *YAY*

Hey kiddies LOOK! A yummy new template! I'm still tweaking it. Let me know what you think =0)

Weekend Recap

I just thought I'd let you guys know what the weekend has been like so far....
:::cue crickets:::
Today we worked out in the yard, and by "we" I mean the husband and the kids. I sat in the house where there is air conditioning! And Lemonade! I did manage to go outside every so often to point out the places that the lawn mower and the weedeater missed. I mean, we're trying to compete with the neighbor for crying out loud!

And the movie (see post below) last night was awesome! It was so cool to be able to see that movie on the big screen. Although, I think it must have been the actual 1967 copy that we saw last night. It was all grainy and some parts were out of focus..geezzzzz...but it still Rocked! We whistled the theme song all the way home. =0)

See you crazy kids next month!

[EDIT] Where the hell is my Blogroll?!! WTF?!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Take off your gun and put on your pants

This summer the Jefferson Theatre in Beaumont is having their Summer Film Series. Every weekend they play a couple of movies with a different theme each weekend. This weekend they are playing Classic Westerns, so tonight they're playing "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" (Director's Cut) WOOO HOOO!! I'm there!

heh heh heh...he said Bangkok.....

The Game Show Network (GSN) is now playing all seven seasons of The Amazing Race. They are now on season 2. I missed watching it when it originally aired, so don't tell me who wins! But, tonight I heard my favorite-ist quote ever....The team of Gary and Dave are in Thailand, sitting in the back of a taxi, Gary says,

"is that my shoes or is that Bangkok?"
I only pray to be able to use that in a conversation one day =0)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Clean Your Plate 101

I'm seriously having doubts about my kids. Sometimes I wonder if they're even mine. I'm starting to forget about hoping they'll be able to get into the college that they want. Now I just hope they'll be able to find the front door.

I don't really require my boys to do a whole lot around the house. There are just a few basic things that they are expected to do everyday. Things like feed and water their animals, keep thier clothes picked up off the floor and put away the folded ones, bring thier dirty clothes and towels out to the laundry basket after they have a bath, and do the dishes once a day. Yes, I make my boys do dishes...they should make someone a lovely wife one day! But, I still have to remind them to do these things...EVERY DAY! These are all things that they should just KNOW have to be done. When I remind them to do something, they just stare at me blankly and say "oh, I forgot." I feel like I wake up every single day with a brand new foreign exchange student who doesn't know the language and is unfamilar with living indoors!

I have stopped going into the boys' rooms to pick up clothes off the floor to wash. If they can't remember to pick up their clothes and put them into the basket to be washed, then I refuse to remember to wash them. So, when they ask me where all of their socks, jeans, shirts, whatever, are, I tell them to look on the floor!

If I never reminded them to feed the animals, they would all be dead. They can't even remember to let their dog out a couple of times a day. And, when one of them does happen to remember to let her out, they forget to let her back in! Today we had this nice exchange:
ME: "Where is Baby Dog? I can't find her."
KID 2: "oops! I forgot her outside!"
ME: "I hope you never have children."

Every night, after we eat dinner, the same thing happens. I tell the kids to scrape any leftovers into the garbage, rinse the plate off, and put it in the sink. EVERY NIGHT I find a plate, on the counter....with food on it!! ARGH!!! These kids are 12 and 16 years old. And, it's not like I just invented this new procedure and sprung it on them unexpectedly one day! We've been doing it this way for hundreds of years!
I usually just totally loose it!

ME: "Why are there plates sitting here on the counter?"
KIDS: ::blank stares::
KID 1: "I didn't know what to do with it."
KID 2: "I forgot."
ME: "Christ on Crutches!! Looks like we're gonna have to have that What-To-Do-With-Your-Fucking-Plate-When-You're-Done-Eating Class again!! How hard is it to remember to rinse the damn plate off?! Especially when I told you just 20 minutes ago, and every night since you were born, what to do with it! "
KID 2: "Do you want me to put this plate in the sink?"
ME: ::Looking for something heavy to throw::

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

In Need of Chocolate

I haven't really felt like posting anything lately...I haven't even really felt like even getting out of bed. So, sorry if the 3 people that read this have felt neglected. It's really hot here and I'm in a pissy mood and dammit if there isn't any chocolate in the house!...Probably not a good time to be giving any kind of permanence to my deranged thoughts....
Stuff that goes on inside my head:

  • My neighborhood is made up entirely of old retired people who do nothing but ride around in golf carts with their little yappy dogs, and CUT THEIR GRASS EVERY OTHER GOD DAMN DAY!! ARGH!!
  • When I get a phone call from my kids school, my first instinct is to tell them that "My mom's not home right now..."
  • Some reasons that I won't be up for the coveted "MOM OF THE YEAR" award this year...or ever
    -leave it on the table
    -got a job yet?
    -was that english?
    -something involving ground meat
    -When's your mother coming to get you?
  • Measure twice, dig once
  • Domestic chores are a form of punishment. I'm sure hell is nothing but infinate piles of dirty dishes, unsorted socks, uncooked meals, and unchanged babies. Note to self: start being good not so bad better fuck it!
  • The husband does all of the cooking around here. Me cook?! Touch raw meat? Ewwww....Call me when its ready
  • VH1 Classics is my new best friend! Billy Idol Videos! YAY!! Danzig Videos! YAY! Vintage Slayer Videos! YAY!!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Got Gmail?

I have some extra Gmail invitaions. So, if you are wanting a Gmail account, then just send me an email and I'll send you an invite. email me at dontmindpain at gmail dot com...or leave a comment here with your email address.
I'll have another post later...maybe...if you're lucky!
Behave you crazy kids!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


UPDATE: I can't just leave shit alone!
So, I've added Haloscan commenting to this here blog. Not that anything was wrong with the old system, except that people that wern't members of Blogger were having trouble leaving comments. So, in the process, all the previous comments have disappeared...I'll recover them one day...maybe. You are encouraged to leave new comments for me =0)
I also added a 100 Things about me page...for anyone who cares it's on the sidelinks under "stuff about me"
That is all for now...move along people...there is nothing more to see here...

Post of Nothingness

Thought I'd make a quick post before I attempt to go to sleep...before 2am today hopefully. So, for tonight's update:

It's still raining every damn day here! and it's supposed to rain for the next week...or next thousand years! :gripe:

I'm still not sleeping much. I can't seem to get to sleep before 6 am. Then I just sleep for a few hours, then I'm back up again. You would think that I would use that as an opportunity to get more stuff done while I'm awake so much....but I don't! PS. If you know me personally, and you Still thought that...then you don't really know me do you?! Time to turn in your badge and secret decoder ring!

Tonight's episode of The Tick was "The Tick vs. Dinosaur Neil" It looks like Toon Disney is playing all episodes in order *bounce*

I still haven't gotten this shirt yet! Apparently, no one loves me *sniffle*

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Son is now famous.... demands raise in allowance

I saw my kidlings on the Discovery Channel tonight! It's Shark Week again and they were talking about all of the shark sightings along the coast and they showed hubby and the kids from the news footage that was taken a couple of weeks ago when we were out at the beach. Hubby was working that day, so he's shown in the 4-wheeler MULE when he was riding up and down the beach telling people to stay out of the water. Then you see the boys....coming out of the water!
So, that was kinda cool....the boys want to know when they're getting paid for their appearance. *snort*

Monday, July 18, 2005

Yummy Music Goodness!

My NZ buddy over at AndHow Productions has some new music and he decided to share it with me *swoon* I've had a listen and I LIKEY!!! You must go listen to it now...I COMMAND IT!! what's your point?

Someone emailed me this link today. She is always sending these quiz links to me. She is really one of those high maintenance friends that I try to keep to a minimum. You know the ones...they have to call you 50 times a day to see what you are doing, report to you what they are doing, make plans for you both to do something within the next hour....they have massive breakdowns whenever they don't hear from you for a few days...or a few hours. Anyway, she said I HAD to do this one. *rolls eyes* So, I took the damn quiz...I was awake at 4 am...what else was there to do? So, yeah, well, it wasn't much of a surprise. I really don't need to take a quiz to know that I'm cynical,withdrawn, and generally despise most humans. Esp. the HIGH MAINTENANCE ones! Next....

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

Step Off Dude!

This is pretty much how I've been feeling lately...just get the hell away from me *SHOVE* I think its because the weather has been so crappy for the past week and I'm just in a funk. Plus, those other people that live here are up my ass 24/7! I'm SO ready for the boys to go back to school.
It doesn't help things that I can't seem to get anything done without having to go break up a fight between Thing 1 & Thing 2! I'm really tired of listening to those two argue. Both of these kids are atleast 5'8" and over 160lbs. so, if I don't end the argument right when it starts, it ends up coming to blows. They are way to big to be fighting with each other...I can't afford the hospital bills...I spend all my money just trying to keep them fed!
Jesus H. Christ on crutches! I need a vacation...or maybe just a trip to the DR. for some new meds...something to take me down a few notches. I think if I could just get some fucking sleep I would be okay...but I've been up for the past 3 days...Insomnia is such a Bitch!
Well...let's go see what's on TV...cuz I don't think I'm going to be sleeping tonight either *sigh* I guess it'll be fun to read this post tomorrow and see what the hell I wrote....

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Good God I'm So BORED!!! and it's not that I don't have plenty to do around's just that I'm tired of doing it *sigh* It is a rainy, dreary, icky day today. This is NOT how I want to spend my Saturday afternoon...doing laundry and listening to the kiddlings argue about who gets to play on the PS2 next! I say NEITHER OF YOU! Go Clean your Roooooms! They are giving me a Brainurism!
Where are my pills??
Now leave me alone Invader Zim is coming on!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Holy Cats & Dogs Batman!

And look! It's coming right for us! For the next 7 days! *Gripe*

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Gotta Have One!

WWJD For A Klondike Bar

I NEEEEED this! Some one buy me one....I Command it!

When did we get a cat?!!

My kids are loons!! I came inside from the garage to see both of them running through the house with a doggie treat tied to the end of their fishing rod! They're making Baby Dog chase it! She is jumping and bouncing all over the place...

ME: "What the hell are you doing?!"
Them: "We're pretending we have a cat!"
ME: wishing that I was just babysitting so I could look forward to their mom coming to get them soon....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


The new Danzig Il Demonio Nera DVD was supposed to be out today. But now it looks like it's been pushed back to the 26th *GRRRRR* I need my Danzig fix already....This is making me tired!

Sidekicks Don't Kiss

Tonight I'm flipping through the 900 channels of nothing to watch and what do I find?!! The Mighty Blue Crime Fighter that is THE TICK!! And I found him on the Toon Disney channel! When did this happen?!! I see that they are hosting our Nigh-Invulnerable Crusader Of Goodness every night at 10:00 (CST) *BOUNCE* My life is now complete!!
So, tonight's episode was one of my favorites..."Sidekicks Don't Kiss" It's one of the best because it has The Tick's dog Speak in it. (In a later episode The Tick finds out that Speak is really a Capybara) So tonight Arthur is kidnapped by the Deerfield Aztecs. The best Tickism from this episode is:

Sun worshipping dog face the Tick! and his dog...Speak!

Gotta go set the TIVO.........

Monday, July 11, 2005

Buh Bye Weekend....

I had a good weekend. Saturday I went with my friend, Becky, to see her son Matt play. He's a drummer in a band called Theory 1:1. They played at the local skate park. This is the first time I've been able to see them play and they sounded pretty good...for playing at a skate park =0P
Sunday I stayed around the house, trying to clean it up. Logan went to work with Chad. He had just spent all his money on a new reel, hooks, and other fishing stuff. He wants to catch a shark so bad! But, he came home empty handed. So, I'm sure he will be going again one day this week.
There isn't much time left until school starts, and both the boys are feeling the squeeze! Garrett starts his summer football strength camp today. Then it won't be long before they start having games. Garrett is going into 10th grade and he has been working out all summer hoping to get to play on the varsity team this year. He had better keep his grades up or he won't be playing on ANY team! I'm hoping that he trys harder to make some decent grades this year *fingers crossed* Logan will be in the 7th grade marching band this year, so looks like I'll be going to 2 football games a week this season. *busy, busy, busy*
Dammit I'm not ready for summer to be over yet! There is still stuff that I need to get done before school starts. But, just really want to be laying on the beach, soaking up some sun, and doing NOTHING!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Further to my post on 7/06

This goes with This post.
The Beaumont Enterprise - News - 07/06/2005 - Area shark sightings bait curiosity

Irrational Rant Of The Week

I understand that scissors can beat paper, and I get how rock can beat scissors, but there's no fuckng way paper can beat rock! Paper is supposed to magically "wrap around" rock, rendering it immobile? Why the hell can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why - BECAUSE PAPER CAN'T BEAT ANYBODY! A rock would tear that shit up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/paper/scissors, I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper, I punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, 'Oh shit, I'm sorry. I thought paper would protect you.'

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dang 'ol sharks man....

Well, in case anyone cares, I did make it to the beach Monday. Since the husband had to work, the boys and I decided to spend the 4th Of July with him. We got to see dozens of sharks! They were comming in REALLY close to the shore, so the kids were bummed because we wouldn't let them swim. And because I didn't let them bring their rods they were pissed because the wanted to catch a shark. Why couldn't I have had girls?!! 2 of the local TV stations were out at the beach doing a story on the sharks and the fact that the park was warning people to stay out of the water. Garrett and his friend ran over the the camera guy and gave him an interview. They didn't use it on the air though...probably because Garrett talks in some strange redneck dialect that no one understands! I call him Boomhauer when I can't understand what the hell he's saying! So,other than the fact that the waters were infested with huge numbers of man-eating sharks, the day was great =0P
So, I'm thinking that tonight that Chad and I are going to go meet my friend Becky and her boyfriend...have some drinks, enjoy some adult company without the kidlings. I guess if I'm going to do that I'd better get ready before the husband gets home.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the beach tomorrow or not. It's raining here right now, and there are supposed to be scattered thunderstorms tomorrow, as well as all next week. I'm sure that the beach is going to be packed since it's 4th of July weekend. So, do I want to go and take a chance that it will be sunny and not rain much? I can't decide. Neither of the boys want to go..they have other plans. Plus, they know that they won't get to fish much with all the people there. Dammit...I guess I'll just get everything together and decide in the morning!

Friday, July 01, 2005


It's the 1st of the month. That only means 1 thing...PAYDAY!!! WOO HOOO!!! Only getting paid once a month SUCKS ASS!! If there's something that I want, I'd better get it this weekend, or else I'll have to wait *sigh*
I'm off to spend the hubby's hard earned money...see you when I run out of cash...