Monday, July 18, 2005

Step Off Dude!

This is pretty much how I've been feeling lately...just get the hell away from me *SHOVE* I think its because the weather has been so crappy for the past week and I'm just in a funk. Plus, those other people that live here are up my ass 24/7! I'm SO ready for the boys to go back to school.
It doesn't help things that I can't seem to get anything done without having to go break up a fight between Thing 1 & Thing 2! I'm really tired of listening to those two argue. Both of these kids are atleast 5'8" and over 160lbs. so, if I don't end the argument right when it starts, it ends up coming to blows. They are way to big to be fighting with each other...I can't afford the hospital bills...I spend all my money just trying to keep them fed!
Jesus H. Christ on crutches! I need a vacation...or maybe just a trip to the DR. for some new meds...something to take me down a few notches. I think if I could just get some fucking sleep I would be okay...but I've been up for the past 3 days...Insomnia is such a Bitch!
Well...let's go see what's on TV...cuz I don't think I'm going to be sleeping tonight either *sigh* I guess it'll be fun to read this post tomorrow and see what the hell I wrote....


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

That was one mean penguin!

Terrorism started first in the Animal Kingdom before Humans copied it.


You took the word of my mouth.
Yes, you are no superman.
You are one mean penguin.

Anonymous said...

that little video made me laugh outloud, much to the dismay of my boring co-workers.

Anonymous said...

g'day there :)

reading through some of your entries made me chuckle (in a good way). and that image of the penguins is just HYSTERICAL! yup, can so relate... have been the pusher and the pushee at various times (more fun being the pusher)...

anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the smiles and chuckles. you've got a terrific site!