Friday, August 19, 2005

New Address

Well, I think this is going to be my last post on this blog. I have moved everything over to a new host and have changed to Wordpress for blogging.
If you happen to have a link to my blog on your page, please change it to my new address which is:

I am still moving everything around over there. I need to relink all my pictures and I am still messing with the template. I really wanted to use this template, but I'm still figuring out how to make it work on Wordpress.

So, come on over and have a look around.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

International Christina Day

It's Thursaday, which has been deemed Picture Day. And it is also International Christina Day, also known as The 6th Anniversary of my 29th Birthday =0) So, today's picture is just a reminder of the proper way to enjoy this holiday...

I hope everyone got the day off today! Make A Wish

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Why I Never Get Anything Done...

I never get anything accomplished because I'm always screwing around with PhotoShop....

I started off making some simple little buttons for my new blog template...then the text tool started wigging out on me (see previous post). I couldn't get the stooooopid font to be the size I wanted, and it wouldn't resize! So, I started playing with my new brushes and made this:

so much for my simple little buttons....
I'm so ADD!

Photoshop Sucks

Photoshop is offically sucking the life out of me!!

Why won't you work!? Stoopid text tool thingy!! GAH!
OMG! I want to PUNCH it! It's ruining my life!!

....maybe I should take a break.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Elvis Lives

I really couldn't let the day pass without making a "Goodbye Elvis" post. It was 28 years ago today that we had to say goodbye to the King. I was only 7 at the time, but I knew who Elvis was. I already owned a few of his records. I still have those records, packed up somewhere.
I'd like to beleive that Elvis is still alive. Out there somewhere.

"Til we meet you again, may God bless you. Adios."
~ Said in 1977 at the end of a concert during his last tour.

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My Sidekicks

If you're not related to me, or give a crap about seeing my kids then you are free to leave. The rest of you have to stay!

Since I am a sorry excuse for a neice, grand-daughter, and cousin because I never write to anyone, or send any photos, or bother to keep in touch, here ya go. Its my obligatory kids first-day-of-skool post. A week late, of course. But, you should be overjoyed that I remembered to post it at all.

Oh, I guess since none of my family have laid eyes on these kids since about 8 years ago I should tell you who is who. Logan is 12, he's the one on the left, in the Tater Tots shirt. He's the dork *big grin* So, that would make the other one Garrett. He is 16 now. And, yes, the 12 year old is taller than the 16 year old. He's a mutant. I'm thinking about loaning him to the circus so THEY can feed him for a while!


Alarm Clock 2

Okay, so, looks like the staying-awake-for-30-hours-at-a-time for the past couple of weeks has finally caught up with me. I fell asleep last night around 11. That's early for me. I still feel tired. I need more sleep. You would think that 7 hours is enough, but it's not.

And, that exercise thing that I was all gung-ho about a few days ago? Yeah. I'm going to need all of you to forget that you read that. m'kay? thanks. It is just too damn hot here to be doing any sort of activity more strenuous than breathing. My plan really was to start walking in the morning after the kids left for school. I figured I could bring the Baby Dog walking with me and we'd both get some much needed exercise. But, when I call her to the front door to put her collar and leash on, she just looks at me like "are you in-fucking-sane woman? Have you BEEN outside lately? It's so hot out there that I don't even go out there to pee anymore. I've been going in your Ficus tree pot!" Then she turns around, prances back to her special pillow right under the air vent, and plops down. Bitch.
Well, if the dog's not going, neither am I. I'll wait until September. Hey, look, a new carton of Haagen-Dazs.

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Monday, August 15, 2005

Arise Chicken, Arise

Do you remember when I told you about these?
Well, now they are These!
I still can't tell what the hell they are. I know they're chickens. Shut up!
But, I have no idea what kind of chickens they are. They sure are ugly though. They just about have all of their feathers in. My son seems to think that the one with the bigger tail feathers is a male. I haven't been around chickens that much to know...or care for that matter. But, trying to guess what these ugly things are exactly seems to be my kids' new hobby. I think they might have money riding on it. Sad. I know. So, if you think you know what kind of crazy chickies these are, give me a shout. I want to know what to place my bet on. Momma needs a new pair of shoes!

PS 10,000 imaginary points to whoever can guess what show the title of this post came from.

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Gotta Be Movin' On

Well chums. I think I'm going to be moving my bloggy blog on over to WordPress in the next few days weeks. Blogger has been nice to me. But, I have a need to tweak, prod, poke, delete, and generally wreak havoc upon my creations. I'm never happy with the look of things. And,I can never just leave. shit. alone. Blogger just isn't cutting it any more. I think that WordPress will give me more options for making my blogging better. Why, I could spend MONTHS just screwing around with the Plugins alone!
So, I've found a really cheap hosting site....And for me "cheap" means FREE. Over at They have some great hosting packages. If you decide to sign up use my linky. And, Hey, the already have WordPress installed for you. *YAY* And I gotta say Thanks to A Ben Week for showing me the light =0)
I would really like to bring this awesome layout with me over to WordPress, but I'm going to have to really mess with it to make it fit. So, if you don't see a new post here for a few days, it's not because the husband had me committed...I'm just busy trying to code my new site.
this might take a while.....

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

There Are None More Black

Looks like Glenn is bringing his Blackest of the Black tour out for Show & Tell again this year *YAY* The tour starts September 30th in San Diego. It looks like the closest they are going to get to me is in San Antonio in October. I feel a road trip coming on!! So, you guys should go check the show out if you get a's gonna be SWEET!!

I should check with Robb over at Robbs Metal Works and see if his crew will be covering the show. I won tickets from them for the Danzig show back in March. They are a crazy bunch over there. If you are in the San Antonio area, you should check out their show. It's HEAVY!

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Friday, August 12, 2005

You say Tomato.....

In a recent conversation with my 12 year old son, he was telling me about his friend's grandmother who just had her other leg amputated. Apparently, she lost the first leg in an unfortunate tractor accident

ME: OMG! What happened?
SON: She is a missionary, and she was down in the Amazon somewhere, and she got gangrene in her leg.
ME: Huh? A 78 year old grandma out in the rainforest, carrying a weapon, and killing people?
SON: No! That would be a MERCENARY!
But, that sure was a neat picture in my head....grandma in army boots, decked out in camo, holding an assault weapon, hand grenades strapped to her chest...I like my version better.

Friday Favorites

Here you go. This weeks edition of Friday Favorites. This Friday the subject is QUOTES.

Favorite Movie Quotes

  1. "They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are." - Seth Gecko in From Dusk Till Dawn
  2. "Do I look like a blond with big tits and an ass that tastes like French Vanilla ice cream?" - Clarence Worley in True Romance
  3. "Nice Marmot" - The Dude in The Big Lebowski
  4. "Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!" - Ulysses Everett McGill in O' Brother Where Art Thou?
  5. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." Nada in They Live!

Favorite Tickisms...or stuff uttered by The Tick

  1. Don't make us bite you in hard-to-reach places!
  2. I don't know the meaning of the word "surrender". I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb... just not in this context.
  3. Mucal invader, is there no end to your oozing?
  4. Yeah, well, don't count your weasels before they pop, dink!
  5. Brace yourself while Corporate America tries to sell us its wretched things.

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

First Official Picture Day

I now officially declare each and every Thursday from here to the end of time (or until I decide to stop) Picture Day. I even made a little graphic for it and everything! It WAS going to be POST A PICTURE OF YOUR DESK DAY. And then it was going to be POST A PICTURE OF SOMETHING ON YOUR DESK DAY, but I figured that was too limiting. Although, not as limiting as TAKE A PICTURE OF THE LOCH NESS MONSTER DAY. Can you tell I haven't been sleeping much lately?! These will be pictures that tell you a little something about me...kind of a Pictorial MeMe I guess. It may be more information than you need...or even care about but, there's a "back" button up there on your browser that you can use.

Anyways, here is my first submission:

Click it for the larger version. This is my huge ass bookshelf that is right above my computer desk. My hubby built if for me when he built my bad ass computer desk...I'll take a picture of the desk if I ever get it cleaned off. So yeah. This bookshelf is so huge that the whole thing wouldn't fit in the frame. So, hmmm...what does this picture say about me? Lets see. Maybe that the word organization doesn't enter my vocabulary much. But, Pack Rat certainly does! Look at all my precious possessions! All crammed together in no particular order! Just the way I like it! These arn't even whole collections of anything. I have tons of DVDs, CDs, Lunchboxes, books, etc. all over the house. These are just some of my favorite things I like to keep out so I can keep an eye on them. I particularly LOVE my Tick Steel Box! One day I'll have a Tick action figure that fits in it! Then I'll take a picture of it. And post it here. On a Thursday. For Picture Day!

So, feel free to steal my little graphic if you want to make Thursdays Picture Day on your blog too. Send me an email or comment to let me know so I can link to you.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Olly Knox Experiment

My partner in crime, has been working very hard on his band's new website. You should show him some luv and go check it out. You can download some of their awesome tunes, or hey, if you're in New Zealand, go check 'em out in person. Of course, I'll have to wait until they come to the states, because apparently, I'm such a bad influence that poor Clarence had to move 12 million miles away to save himself from my evil grip. But, that's okay, he still rocks...even way the hell over there! Tongue Out
The Olly Knox Experiment

First Day Back To Skool you hear that?
Silence. Peace.
Until 4:00.
Is it too early to start drinking?

Madness I Say!

I think I need my hormones checked or something, cuz I have been on my absolute last NERVE for the past week. Every little thing just pisses me off. Shit like THIS:

  • That damn BK Chicken Fries commercial...with that fucktard chickenheaded band.
  • When the dog stands in the middle. of the. kitchen. CHEWING HER FOOD. instead of over her bowl getting it all over the place. I'm not cleaning that shit up dammit! Where's the husband?!
  • When you ask someone a question, then they say "what?" then immediately answer the question you just asked them. If you heard me, then what the hell did you say WHAT for? Say WHAT again Mother Fucker!!
  • That dog that starts barking at 5am everyday, even on weekends!and, no it's not mine!
  • Those little animation thingies that they put in the bottom corner of the TV screen during your favorite show. I just sat through 5 minutes of commercials, and now I have to watch them DURING the show too?!
  • When I ask one of those people that live here if they've had a bath yet, and their reply is "but I didn't do anything today" ICK!
  • That little kid from down the road that always repeats the last 2 words of anything that you say.
    Me: Hey little Dude. What's going on?
    Little Dude: Going on!
    Me: So, you excited about going back to school?
    Little Dude: to School!
    Me: Go tell your mom I'm Insane!
    Little Dude: I'm Insane!
    Me: *snort*
    Husband: What the hell are you doing? He's only 6!
  • and, WHY do I have to pee Every. Thirty. Minutes. GAH!! How am I supposed to get any sleep if I have to get up to go pee every half hour?!
  • When the satalite TV info says Invader Zim is coming on at 10:00. Then, at 10:00, it's so NOT Invader Zim, but some stupid show that I've never even heard of! Where's GIR?!!

But, there is hope...SKOOL starts in 7.5 hours!! *bounce*

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Hint Hint

So, yeah. I know you all are wondering what the hell to get me for my birthday. I don't know. I'm not hard to please. I like yummy (Glenn Danzig) lotions and candles. I could always use (naked) a new black t-shirt. Or, if you're getting me shoes (tied up) I wear a size 6 in Doc Martens. I need some (with big red bow) new red nail polish too. Or, hey, I know....Glenn Danzig! He was (or without the bow)last located here! I promise to act all surprised when you show up with him =0)

I'm going to go listen to some Danzig 4 now.....

The Fat Party Is Over

It's Diet Time Dieting
Because, well, I accidentally gained about 30 pounds in the past 3 or 4 years. I was pretty sickly for a few years. I felt like crap and was in pain all of the time. Then, I had surgery last year, and now I'm feeling much better. My problem is that I can't just watch what I eat and loose weight, I have to exercise too. I was doing really well with the exercise after my surgery, and when the kids were in skool. I was on a schedule. But, as soon as summer started, I didn't make myself workout. Plus, who wants to do anything in this horrid heat except sit in front of the air condition vent eating French vanilla ice cream with yummy fudge sauce?!!

So, here's the plan. I've already started cutting down on the fatty stuff that I eat. I really have to work on cutting out the salty snacks too. Mmmmmm...Doritos!! Mmmmmm.....water retention!! Tomorrow, I start exercising away all the extra fat. I figure Monday is a good day to start. I'm going to start exercising atleast 45 minutes 4 days a week for the first week. We'll see how that goes. So, wish me luck...I'm gonna need it!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's Hell-Week All in One Day

I am So tired and So cranky that I am going to bed immediately after this post, and if anyone tries to wake me up I'm going to stab them in the eye with a fork!
I've spent the last 2 days shopping for clothes with 2 boys...well, 3 boys counting the husband...along with 4 million other people who were shopping for the same clothes as me this weekend. And they ALL move REALLY SLOOOWWWWWLY!!! OMG! People! MOVE!!! I already know what I want and where to get it, I don't need you people impeding my progress! People that stand in large groups in the center of the mall right where everyone is walking make me insane! I try to be nice too...asking people politely to move so that I may please pass by...or, even some eyerolling with the sighing....but people don't respond to nice! They make me get nasty and yell "Get the fuck out of my way Dorkfest!" and stomp right through the center of their little club meeting.

I hate people!

I'm staying home all day tomorrow...I'm going to watch TV and eat ice cream all day because Monday I start my diet! ...but more on that tomorrow...

Goodnight Chums

Baby Doo 2

Here's that after picture of the Baby Dog. She sure does LOVE her haircuts. I'll be back later with another post.

Friday, August 05, 2005

The Baby Doo

The Baby Dog is going in for a haircut today. So, I thought I'd post a BEFORE picture of her so we can all point and laugh when I post the AFTER picture later.

Surf's Up Space Ponies!

It's the beginning of the month. And you know what that means kiddies. It's time to pay the bills! Yep, when you work for the government, they only give you money once a month, and if you're lucky it's one the 1st. So, today was the day when I take all the bills that I owe, put them in a box, and pick who gets paid. And 6 lucky bastards get paid this month. I'm sure they'll be overjoyed! Everyone else is just gonna have to wait until next payday...this just wasn't their month.

And, what the hell is up with the damn electric bill? It's like 3 times more than it was last summer. I know it's hot and the air condition is running all day...but damnit!! Looks like the head electric company/crime boss decided to buy that new town in France! I might as well just have our check direct deposited into the utility companys' account. That way I can tell the bill collectors that the utlility company has all my money, go harass them for your dough.

So, in other news, the summer is almost officially over. Skool shut up! that's how I spell it! starts on the 10th. So, I had to take the boys to register today. Garrett has already started football practice every afternoon this week. And we're going to take the boys shopping for school clothes tomorrow and Saturday. I figured I would take advantage of the Tax Free Weekend and save a few bucks on all their school stuff. Maybe then I can afford to feed them with the money I save.

What the hell happened to my SUMMER?!! Grrr

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Just a few things I heard today while I was out:

  • blonde girl:OMG! I just swallowed my gum with that pill!

  • Older couple standing in the toy aisle of Wally World, looking at a remote control monster truck : "So, are you saying he would rather have a Barbie?!"

  • I didn't turn around to find out! :"Stop hitting me in the neck"

  • dude in line at the bank window: "I want it all in ones"

  • everyone behind that dude at the bank: mumble, mumble, gripe, sigh, etc....

  • Wednesday, August 03, 2005


    I'm so IRRITATED!! OMG!!! Look at the EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!! And you will KNOW how pissed off I am!!!!!!!!!

    First off, I am so stopped up stuffy headed that I can't even think straight. It's my allergies! There is something infesting the air that my head doesn't like...and it's letting me know by making ick leak out of all the holes in my head. ARG!! And, just so you know, here's a little something about the complex personality that is ME. When I'm sick and miserable, EVERYONE ELSE MUST BE SICK AND MISERABLE TOO!! I'll be damned if I'm going to put up with someone being all happy, perky, joy-joy while I feel like crap! If I'm not happy, I'm bringing everyone else down with me. That's just the way it is.

    Anyway, where the hell was I? Oh I'm out of my allergy meds. and I'm not going to go sit in the doctor's people infected waiting room where I'll probably catch something worse than allergies, so he can charge me $60 to tell me that I just need to keep taking my allergy meds! I just figure I'll swing by Wally-World, (Wal-Mart, where Satan shops) pick up a triple cocktail of Sudafed, Benadryl, and Sinex and I'll be all set. I grab a few bucks, run in, find the new drug aisle, which is NOWHERE near where it was a month ago (another reason I hate that damn store!) So, grab some Sinex ( I should own stock in this shit!!). Looking for the Sudafed. In the spot where the Sudafed should be there's these little cards that look like the Sudafed box. WTF?! oh, yeah, I remember now, I now have to get it from the pharmacy....because of all the supid meth monkeys buying up all the allergy meds to make their homegrown methahol.


    So, I bring my little card up to the pharmacy counter, hand it to the pharmacy girl. Pharmacy girl gives me a perky little smile that makes me want to jump over the counter and stab her in the eye! She asks to see my driver's license.

    Erm...I'm just getting the Sudafed....where's my knife?

    Perky pharmacy girl informs me that she needs a form of ID and my phone number to put in the system in order for me to purchase the evil allergy medication.

    ARG!!! So, I hand over my ID, and give her my number...555-METH. Perky phamacy girl doesn't think that's funny. I think it's the funniest damn thing I've said all day. Perky phamacy girl looses some of her perkiness. I consider this a small victory!

    I decide that I should probably get a few more boxes of this stuff since the Government is going to make it so damn difficult to obtain. This is when the Irritated yay me! pharmacy girl informs me that I can't buy more than 2 boxes at a time. ARGH!! So, how many bullets can I buy at a time?! How many fucking HAND GRENADES can I buy at one time?!! Wait, all I need is ONE!!

    Screw this...I go get a case of Nyquil and get the hell out of there!

    Monday, August 01, 2005

    My Mad Mom Skillz

    Bonanza Jellybean has inspired me with her "Sorry Excuse For a Mom" post the other day. Go read it! There are some things that I have also done (and DO) that I'm sure some people would consider to be Shitty Parenting. Here's my list of shitty parenting skillz....

    1. I don't care if my kids use profanity when they're mad.
    2. I make them answer the phone when bill collectors call so they can say they havn't seen me in days. And they're out of food.
    3. When my oldest son was learning to talk I would show him a ball and call it a Taco. Show him a cookie and call it a shirt.
    4. I convinced my youngest son that he was born with a tail. he's actually pissed off that we had it removed!
    5. When the kids whine that they're hungry. I say "you know where the kitchen is!"
    6. When they mumble I keep yelling "ENUNCIATE" while try to complete a sentence.
    7. When we're out of Nyquil I give them shots of whiskey instead.
    8. They know the words to all the Danzig songs.
    9. When my youngest son says he's going to run away from home, I reply "write when you get work."
    10. I let my son get his tongue pierced for his 16th birthday.
    11. The 12 year old's hair is longer than mine.
    12. And then, there was this one time? I got the kids to get a mushed armadillo off of the road and put it in a bucket for me so I could ferment it for about a month, then put it in a certain person's brand new car.
    13. I encourage them to refer to their asshole uncle as "Your Assholiness"
    14. I discourage them from becoming bored by finding busy work for digging a hole in the backyard...then filling it up again (ever see Cool Hand Luke?!)
    15. I make my boys do "girly work" like washing dishes, and mopping the floor.

    I'm sure there's more, but you get the idea.

    Getting Paid In Chickens

    My oldest son has been working for the neighbor this summer to earn some extra money. The neighbor is an old cowboy that I worked for when I was in school. Mr. Cowboy has dozens of goats, pigs, horses, sheep, dogs, and chickens. The work is mostly just feeding his gazillion animals and sometimes getting to ride the horses. It is hot, sweaty, smelly work, so the kid is actually happy about starting football practice next week! Mr. Cowboy usually pays the son on Fridays. When son came home Friday he had these 2 chickens. WTF?!! So, son go cash your chickens!