Monday, August 15, 2005

Arise Chicken, Arise

Do you remember when I told you about these?
Well, now they are These!
I still can't tell what the hell they are. I know they're chickens. Shut up!
But, I have no idea what kind of chickens they are. They sure are ugly though. They just about have all of their feathers in. My son seems to think that the one with the bigger tail feathers is a male. I haven't been around chickens that much to know...or care for that matter. But, trying to guess what these ugly things are exactly seems to be my kids' new hobby. I think they might have money riding on it. Sad. I know. So, if you think you know what kind of crazy chickies these are, give me a shout. I want to know what to place my bet on. Momma needs a new pair of shoes!

PS 10,000 imaginary points to whoever can guess what show the title of this post came from.

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